Steel Scrap Metal Recycling Rates Continue to Climb in North America

Posted on May 7, 2013 by - Scrap Metal Recycling

Steel scrap metal recycling rates continue to climb within various industries including construction, industrial, automotive, and appliance manufacturing. fpt-01

Scrap metal recycling rates in North America are continuing to rise, according to recent reports.  This is especially true for steel scrap, the most commonly recycled material in the United States.  Each year, more steel is recycled than paper, aluminum, plastic, and glass combined.  In fact, the Steel Recycling Institute (SRI) announced that the recycling rate for steel is now at a new high of 92%.  This increase reflects the ever-increasing global environmental commitment, which Ferrous Processing & Trading is a part of, to increase metal recycling practices worldwide in an effort to responsibly conserve energy and natural resources.

Steel Scrap Metal Recycling

The SRI reports than in 2011, over 85 million tons of steel scrap metal was processed, representing an increase of nearly 10 million tons compared to 2010.  Steel scrap metal is sourced in many ways from a myriad of industrial, commercial, and household items.  These include construction and industrial materials, commercial packaging, and household appliances, and automobiles.  Steel is popular material because of its strength and quality and because it is so effectively recycled, allowing for a more sustainable product life cycle.

The most recent recycling rates for steel scrap metal show a definitive rise in the process.  These recycling rates are sourced from the SRI and are based on data provided by industry association reports including the automotive, appliance, and scrap metal recycling industries and U.S. Geological and EPA surveys.

1)      Construction Scrap Metal Recycling Rates: 98% for plates and beams, and 70% for rebar steel

2)      Automotive Metal Recycling Rates: 94.5% – down from over 100% for the last several years.

3)      Appliance Recycling Rates: 90% – this includes over 2.9 million net tons of steel

4)      Steel Packaging Rates: 70.8% – this represents an all-time high for the industry

Each of these industries, and others like it, continue to show progress increasing the rate of scrap metal recycling.  Ferrous Processing & Trading partners with other industry leaders to continue to encourage consumer education.  There are many valuable ways companies and private individuals can contribute to the overall totals of recycled metal.  To learn about available services, recyclable materials, and tips for maximizing your recycling efforts, contact a service representative at Ferrous Processing & Trading.

About Ferrous Processing & Trading

Ferrous Processing & Trading is one of North America’s premier processors, sellers, and recyclers of scrap metals of all kinds.  They are supported by the unique skills and experience of the management, commercial, and operations teams.  Their ownership assures both financial strength and a deep commitment to the industry and their customers.  FPT’s reputation is built on the core values of integrity, expertise, responsiveness, and creativity in the scrap metal recycling industry.

Ferrous Processing & Trading is a key supplier to the metals industry of North America.  They are also a major scrap metals management company for the U.S. auto industry.  From every stage of the metal recycling process from the assembly line to the used parts pile then through the scrap processing yard and into the furnace, FPT has the right answers for handling and marketing metal.

Ferrous Processing & Trading

3400 E. Lafayette

Detroit, MI 48207
