Scrap Metal Company Helps Nation’s Metal Recycling Industry Grow

Posted on January 6, 2014 by - Scrap Metal Recycling

Ferrous Trading and Processing is a key part of the United States metals industry, which is a vital part of the nation’s economy.ferrous-processing

Ferrous Processing & Trading has grown into one of North America’s premier processors, sellers and recyclers of scrap metals of all kinds, from massive auto shredding operations and specialty steel making and foundry products to nonferrous metals and industrial scrap management.

FTP has become a key supplier to the North American metals industry as well as the major scrap metal manager for the nation’s auto industry. “Our processing facilities from Ontario to Florida, certified quality management and logistics capability help to ensure product pickup & delivery,” assures the company.

Ferrous Processing offers a wide range of financial and managerial programs to assist in implementing scrap metal systems that can improve scrap revenues, including complete turnkey scrap metal management programs that provide in-plant scrap handling, processing, transportation and final sale. FTP can review internal scrap handling systems, scrap segregation programs, resale values and transportation issues to identify where the scrap revenues are hidden. FPT sells and brokers over 2.8 million tons of scrap metal annually.

“Our dedicated marketing group is in contact with the major dealers, foundries and steel mills throughout the U.S. Our communication systems allow us to access and obtain up-to-the-minute pricing on all grades of scrap. We have the capabilities to ship just-in-time, hold material in consignment stock or inventory and ship upon request. Our versatile shipping capabilities allow us to ship scrap by water, rail or truck,” the company states.

The metals industry is one of the most important to the United States economy. Since much of our business is foreign, it is vital to maintain any domestic business that America can get. Much like how much we depend on oil, and how we need to reduce that, being able to not have to rely on foreign metals is important too. As long as we can keep as much metal business inside the United States, that will increase how competitive the U.S. is. So, recycling metal, and selling it-within the United States- becomes even more important. It’s nice to know that there’s someone as competent as Ferrous Processing and Trading doing that for us.

About Ferrous Processing & Trading

Ferrous Processing & Trading is one of North America’s premier processors, sellers, and recyclers of scrap metals of all kinds.  They are supported by the unique skills and experience of the management, commercial, and operations teams.  Their ownership assures both financial strength and a deep commitment to the industry and their customers.  FPT’s reputation is built on the core values of integrity, expertise, responsiveness, and creativity in the scrap metal recycling industry.

Ferrous Processing & Trading is a key supplier to the metals industry of North America.  From every stage of the metal recycling process from the assembly line to the used parts pile then through the scrap processing yard and into the furnace, FPT has the right answers for handling and marketing metal.

Ferrous Processing & Trading

3400 E. Lafayette

Detroit, MI 48207
