Aluminum Recycling at Ferrous Processing & Trading Saves Valuable Energy and Resources

Posted on March 19, 2013 by - Scrap Metal Recycling

Ferrous Processing & Trading shares information regarding the substantial positive impact aluminum recycling has on the country. fpt-01

Aluminum recycling is important to our nation’s environment and economy.  In fact, aluminum scrap is one of the most widely recycled metals.  This is because aluminum is very abundant in our society and is easily recyclable.  Take the aluminum can for example.  Earth911 reports that every minute, an average of 113,204 aluminum cans are recycled.   An aluminum beverage can is 100% recyclable and is usually used, recycled, and back on store shelves in the form of a new can within just sixty days.

About Aluminum

Aluminum was discovered in the early 1800s and is the most prevalent metal on earth.  The EPA reports that in 2009, 50.7% of all aluminum was recycled, and two-thirds of all aluminum mined is still in use today because aluminum scrap metal is so durable and highly recyclable.

Benefits to the Environment

There are many environmental benefits from recycling aluminum scrap metal.  Aluminum recycling preserves natural resources, saves energy and time, and also saves money.  Aluminum is unique in that it can be recycled again and again without compromising its structure or properties.  Moreover, it is actually more effective to make something new from aluminum scrap than from virgin ore, so it just makes sense to reuse what has already been mined and to preserve natural resources.  In addition to preserving land resources, aluminum recycling also saves vast amounts of energy – in 2007, the EPA reports that 54 billion cans were recycled, saving the equivalent of 15 million barrels of crude oil, or America’s entire gas consumption for one day.

A Profitable Effort

The economic benefits of aluminum recycling are as substantial as the environmental benefits.  According to Earth911, the aluminum can is the most valuable consumer container to recycle and has the highest consumer recycling rate in the country. In fact, the aluminum recycling industry pays out over $800 million dollars every year for empty aluminum cans.  This money is often used to help non-profit organizations, individuals or group fundraising efforts, or is paid directly to private consumers.  Aluminum cans and other aluminum scrap are collected at scrap metal recycling facilities or at designated community drop-off locations.  In addition to aluminum cans, aluminum scrap can be sourced from gutters and siding, automotive parts, industrial waste, and more.  Because aluminum has such a significant market value, companies and individuals are highly incentivized to recycle their aluminum scrap so the industry is expected to remain strong.

Aluminum scrap metal is accepted at all Ferrous Processing & Trading recycling facilities.  From the largest industrial or manufacturing clients to each individual private customer, FPT welcomes aluminum scrap and is proud to play a part in helping the economy and environment through aluminum recycling.

About Ferrous Processing & Trading

Ferrous Processing & Trading is one of North America’s premier processors, sellers, and recyclers of scrap metals of all kinds.  They are supported by the unique skills and experience of the management, commercial, and operations teams.  Their ownership assures both financial strength and a deep commitment to the industry and their customers.  FPT’s reputation is built on the core values of integrity, expertise, responsiveness, and creativity in the scrap metal recycling industry.

Ferrous Processing & Trading is a key supplier to the metals industry of North America.  They are also a major scrap metals management company for the U.S. auto industry.  From every stage of the metal recycling process from the assembly line to the used parts pile then through the scrap processing yard and into the furnace, FPT has the right answers for handling and marketing metal.

Ferrous Processing & Trading

3400 E. Lafayette

Detroit, MI 48207
