Scrap Metal Company Sets High Value on Solid Business Values and Services

Posted on February 12, 2013 by - Scrap Metal Recycling

Ferrous Processing & Trading grows as an industry leader by adhering to personalized business values and responsive service. 


Scrap metal recycling company, Ferrous Processing & Trading brings integrity and responsiveness to the industry.  The Detroit-based company has built its success on solid trade relationships based on values such as mutual trust and confidence.  In a time when face-to-face transactions and long-standing relationships are becoming more obsolete, FPT stands behind their reputation for personalized service.


“From our largest manufacturing customer to our smallest peddler supplier…from our senior executives to our yard laborers; we share a common commitment to doing the right thing,” says Ferrous Processing & Trading Executive Vice President, A.G. Hering.


Ferrous Processing & Trading has grown to be one of the country’s largest scrap metal processors and sellers, proving these values foster success.  “We have worked hard to retain the best attributes of our founding companies,” shares Hering.


In addition to placing value on each business relationship, FPT offers clients added responsiveness.  Even as it grows, the scrap metal recycling company continues to demonstrate the ability to react quickly and decisively to issues and opportunities.  Customers appreciate their ability to mobilize a wealth of expert personnel, equipment, and capital quickly when the need arises.  In this way, the scrap metal recycling company is able to efficiently meet the changing individual needs of its clients.


About Ferrous Processing & Trading

Ferrous Processing & Trading is one of North America’s premier processors, sellers, and recyclers of scrap metals of all kinds.  They are supported by the unique skills and experience of the management, commercial, and operations teams.  Their ownership assures both financial strength and a deep commitment to the industry and their customers.  FPT’s reputation is built on the core values of integrity, expertise, responsiveness, and creativity in the scrap metal recycling industry.


Ferrous Processing & Trading is a key supplier to the metals industry of North America.  They are also a major scrap metals management company for the U.S. auto industry.  From every stage of the metal recycling process from the assembly line to the used parts pile then through the scrap processing yard and into the furnace, FPT has the right answers for handling and marketing metal.


Ferrous Processing & Trading

3400 E. Lafayette

Detroit, MI 48207
